"I'd rather be seen on my bicycle than on a park run" - Quote from the dark side

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

New Toys

I’ve always been fine to run with as little technology as possible and have up to now only used a standard Start/Stop watch. However, my wife decided to spoil me for my birthday last week and got me this state of the art set of toys…

Polar RS800CX with HR Monitor, GPS and Stride Sensor.

I’ve played with it a little and will do a review after I’ve tested it properly. Lots of fun so far with great stats to play around with. I love stats!

It is going well so far! I hope I can keep this trend up for the remainder of the weeks...

Weeks done: 9 
Weeks to go: 43
Km done: 657
Km to go: 2993 Less than 3000 to go!
Ave per week done: 73.00
Ave per week required: 69.60

Week 1: 84
Week 2: 80
Week 3: 83
Week 4: 69
Week 5: 56
Week 6: 54
Week 7: 80
Week 8: 71
Week 9: 80

Happy running everyone, keep it going!


KovasP said...

Always fun to get new toys! Congratulations on the continued success as well.

HappyTrails said...

Oooooh - running toys are awesome!

chris mcpeake said...

Sweet gadgets, cant wait for the review.

Doing great on the challenge, keep it up

Amy said...

Wow! Those are definitely some nice toys - sweet! I ran for years with just a regular watch and was very resistant to getting a Garmin...but once you get one, it adds a whole new dimension, so enjoy!

Kate Geisen said...

Love the new toys! It's fun having a wife to spoil you, huh? Especially one who "gets it". My husband "bought" me a Garmin for Christmas, and by bought I mean I ordered what I wanted and he gave me the money for it. :)

Awesome job on the 10K challenge!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

That is a cool new toy

Mike said...

The gps is nice, it's always fun to see how fast (or slow) you are going.

ajh said...

Fun new toys! I hope you like them. What a nice wife!!

Jerry Smallwood said...

When you have worked out how to use it give me a shout as I am totally frustrated with my Polar :-(

Unknown said...

Sometimes technology is just 'awesome'!!

Great job on the 10k a day :)

Average Woman Runner said...

I'm curious to hear how you like your new watch. I've been fighting the urge to get a GPS watch as I pride myself on being low tech. It should would make it easier to check on my distance/pace post-run :)

Marlene said...

Happy Belated Birthday and enjoy the new toys. I'm sure you will be playing around to figure those out.

Theia said...

Nice job on the mileage!

Lindsay said...

what a wonderful spouse you have! :) hope it is working well.

Char said...

I you love stats, you're going to love your new toys. Anette is so goo to you.

Karien P. said...

Love running toys! Have fun!

2 Slow 4 Boston said...

Welcome to the techie club. I use my GPS, HR monitor, stride sensor on all runs. They are very helpful IMHO.

Giorgio said...

Nice running toys! Congrats on the mileage!

misszippy said...

You are doing a great job with the challenge! What a great wife to get you just what you wanted. Enjoy playing with them!

Black Knight said...

What a wonderful gift from your wife!
She knows what you like.
Good job with the challenge.

Raina said...

VERY interested in how the Polar set-up works for you. would be fun to wear a garmin and a polar and see if they measure a route the same.
Looking forward to the review.
Your wife is very thoughtful!