"I'd rather be seen on my bicycle than on a park run" - Quote from the dark side

Monday, 24 March 2014

A Running Streak

Have you ever done a running streak? If so, what is your longest streak?  I have not done a running streak yet. I'm a very consistent runner and don't easily miss a workout, but I have always run 6 days a week and rest one day.

I think it is time to change this. I think I should start a running streak.

I've been reading up on this a bit and the rules are clear and simple. Run every day and in some cases run or walk every day. I would like to make it run every day but I suppose if you do get sick or something like that, a walk option could be good. 

There should also be a minimum distance for each run/walk. Most people make this 1 mile. The shortest loop I can do at my house is 1.2km. A bit shorter than a mile, but I think this will do. If I get really sick or whatever else I will cover at least 1.2km.

The next question is obviously how long you would like to make the streak? As long as possible...? Mmm, I would love to make it a year, but I don't think it is 100% realistic for me to do that. I might break it up into smaller goals.

My streak plan:

  • Start 1 April 2014.
  • Run every day for 30 days.
  • If I make 30 I'm sure I can make 50.
  • If I make 50 I must make it to 100.
  • If I can do 100  why not do another 100 and make it 200.
  • 200 to 300 becomes close to 365...let's go for a year running streak!

My plan is to start this journey on 1 April and then follow the plan above for as long as possible. If I miss a day I will start the plan over again until I reach my 365 running streak goal. Then I can make a tick next to a running streak on my bucket list.

What is your view on a running streak?


KovasP said...

It seems a bit compulsive, but if you allow for walking on a sick day, that makes more sense.

misszippy said...

I like your plan. With your very solid injury-free history, I think there's no reason you can't make it work. Good luck with it!

Anonymous said...

I could not understand running streaks for the longest time, but after my 43-day-streak ended due to non-running and non-health-related circumstances, I get it! Someone who starts a running streak recognizes that most of our lives are spent sitting front of screens, which is bad for our eyes and backs. On a run, we get to look far, we straighten up, and all stresses are gone! If we get sick, it is more likely due to our non-running, so the streaker puts his health first! Above deadlines, overtime-pay, expectations and appearances...

Giorgio said...

Great plan! You can do it! Completely agree with Anna: getting sick is more likely due to our non-running.

Have a nice week, Johann!

Anonymous said...

I've read a lot about running streaks too, but never participated. With my schedule it's just impossible to run every day but when you look at it as even 1 mile counts that is very realistic!

:) said...

The upsides I found from having a running streak are
-running in new places on vacations
-really learning the value of short workouts like a 10-minute run

Good luck!

Robin said...

Good luck with the streak. I can't do one, I love my rest days too much but I'll live vicariously through yours.

One Crazy Penguin said...

I think running streaks are awesome! I've never been able to go for more than about 30 days. Life tends to get in the way :/

Kate Geisen said...

Wow, awesome goal! My longest "streak" has been about 3 or 4 days. I tend to do better with plenty of days off, and I get pulled between activities. Right now it's mostly about the bike, so I'll just follow along and applaud your progress. :)

ajh said...

I like the idea but I like my rest days too much. I have days where I am very busy and can't imagine fitting it in. Good luck. I will like following your journey.

Char said...

I admire streakers but I just know that it's not for me. I have to make sure I get the recovery I need or else. I'm just not prepared to have another dose of overtraining syndrome.

coach dion said...

2 year 3 months and 2 weeks... I also use to rest on a Friday, but then there were a couple of holidays on a friday, and then I was 3 weeks into a streak, and I haven't stopped...

Or I could say a couple of 100m, have yet to make a mile, that would be a challege!

Amy said...

I've always been intrigued by the idea of a running streak. I don't think I would want to run every day but I do aim to do some kind of exercise every day, whether it be running, walking, biking, yoga, gym workout or even very vigorous house-cleaning!
Be sure and keep us posted on how your streak goes - I'll be rooting for you!

Black Knight said...

I never did running streaks to prevent injures. I prefer the cross training but always with a day off per week.
Good luck with your plan.

Lauren said...

I love running streaks -- they are a great challenge to me. My longest for running is 56 days. I'm always in sort of streak: right now today is the 44th day of my fitness streak (any exercise 1+ mile), the 20th day of my 100happyday challenge, and the 21st day of my no sweets during lent. I will join you for your April streak. I love using running as a celebration. Since Easter is in April this year, I'll make April's streak a celebration of Easter. :) Have fun on your streak. A year is a tough, but you can do it.

MCM Mama said...

Good luck! I did one from Thanksgiving until New Years eve last year. I was kind of over it mentally by then. I often run 7 or so days in a row, but eventually either my body or my life tell me to take a break.

Karien P. said...

My cousin, also a new mom, is currently near Day 100 of her running streak. To her it's just so much easier and more practical with the kids to get out there and run each day, even if it's only for a short distance, versus logging big mileage as training for a half or full. I'm a bit weary of getting injured, though, so I haven't tried it myself.

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

I know that some people prefer to run every single day so that they never have to think about whether or not they'll run each day - they just do it. I usually take 1-2 days off from running a week. Have fun with the challenge!