"I'd rather be seen on my bicycle than on a park run" - Quote from the dark side

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Throwback Thursday

What?! I have a throwback for cycling? Indeed I have...

Throwback to January 1984

This is when I bought my first proper bike. Actually this is when I bought my first bike. Before then I rode on "hand-me-downs" from my brother and sisters. 

In January 1984 I used R800 of the R850 I was paid for holiday work at the Johannesburg Post Office to buy my first proper bike. 

A Basso 12 speed dream machine! It was a high quality bike at the time and R800 was a lot for a bike in 1984.

January 1984 - Proud owner of my new Basso

I bought my Basso from the late, great Alan van Heerden. "The Idol" did the setup himself and it was absolutely perfect.

I still have the bike although it is not in a rideable state. I will have have it restored to its former glory one day. It was an incredible bike and really just great in every possible way; the reason I am still hanging on to it.

1 comment:

Robin said...

That's awesome! My first 10 speed I got when I was in junior high, so around 12-13 is still at my mom's...not rideable either but can't get rid of it lol