People often ask me this and I usually answer a trail ultra
without really thinking about it. I suppose if I have to choose one race to do
it would be a trail ultra, but there are other favorites on my list as well.
In order of most favorite to least favorite my list looks
like this:
1 - Trail Ultra
There is nothing in running that beats the feeling of
completing an ultra. As a nature lover I am in heaven if I can combine the
ultra with being out there on the mountains or in the bush. This is really what
I live for. Stage races over multi days also fall in this category.
2 - Trail following the coastline
I have done a few coastal trail runs now and I must admit
they are easily in second place on my list. I love the ocean but it is also the
thrill of rock hopping and climbing that make it so exciting for me. Obviously
these runs always include some awesome scenery as well.
3 - Trail race shorter than ultra
These are next for the beauty and experience of nature and
all there is to see and experience. The views, water crossings and waterfalls are just so
4 - Circuit race (lap race)
I love the mental challenge of circuit races. These are not
races on athletic tracks but usually a 1km lap inside some school or club
grounds. Races like these are usually 12 hours or more with 24 hours the most
common. The vibe around these races combined with the physical and mental
challenge put them next on my list.
5 - Road ultra
I love running and still love road running too. I train on
the road at least 4 times per week. Road ultras are next because of the
challenge and the unbelievable feeling of accomplishment when finishing these.
6 - Road marathon
Marathons will always be special but I’ve run so many (126)
that I don’t have anything more to achieve here. I will run more for sure but
there are other goals to achieve first.
7 - Other road
Last but not least is any road race shorter than the
marathon. I think 32km (20 miles) is my favorite non-ultra distance on the
road. I enjoy races but as with marathons there is nothing specific too still
achieve here. There are some great races on my todo list and I will always run
road races where possible and where it fits into my program.
There you have it…my race favorites list.
What does yours
look like?